Bad Habit Records started with a totally unplanned release.
In the second version of the Bad Habit retail shop in Ipswich City, every Saturday a local guy would come in and proceed to tell us how shit all the records we had were. If you've ever worked in a record shop you'll understand how you grow a pretty high tolerance for punishers and wacky regulars. But one Saturday I cracked it at this guy and said he can't come in here and bag everything out until he's produced something that blows everyone else away.
The guy laid low for a few weeks and didn't come in, at which point I started to feel a little guilty and wondered if my response had been too harsh. Turns out I shouldn't have worried. A few weekends later, he comes in with a box of tapes. He'd recorded a demo. A homemade one-person demo just using free to download programs. And it's actually some half-decent programmed drums death thrash.
As I looked at one of the pixelated ink jet printed covers he'd made for the tapes, I noticed it said Bad Habit Records #1. Hence a label was born. Old mate earned his right to be an annoying punisher I'd say.
Release date - August 2018
Print run - 100 I think
Format - Cassette Tape
Listen - Return To The Sewer, by Clone Mutant