Unapologetically Dressed was born out of Mill Street Fashion Walk — an Instagram page dedicated to a necessity to document fashion on the streets of Nambour.
Ketakii Jewson-Brown and Shaye Hardsity of ShayeKet Productions began scoping out the street style of Nambour back in 2019. As the fashion capital of the Sunshine Coast, Nambour’s streets showcase a visual smorgasbord full of eclectic, unapologetic and unique offerings on the daily.
Through sideways glances, little excited “Excuse me” moments, and obliging members of the public, Unapologetically Dressed is to Nambour what Vogue is to New York.
Artist talk
Artist Talk at 10am / Sat 26 Aug / Free
Creative team
Ketakii Jewson-Brown
Shaye Hardisty